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Your home is immediately listed on the Multiple Listing Service which updates a daily catalog of homes for sale through its member brokers and an online computer network, available to its members, with photos and descriptions of all listed properties. We personally submit a photo and the descriptive elements of your home to ensure that you have the best possible representation on the MLS.

All of our property listings are online under Featured Listings on our website as well as on all local websites that subscribe to the Multiple Listing Service. Research from the National Association of Realtors indicates that more than 80% of home buyers now begin the buying process online. Our website includes the most advanced tools available, including Active Maps and automatic email notifications, to give buyers the most reason to keep coming back.

Immediately our distinctive "For Sale" sign is placed on your property along with a brochure box containing photo/property information flyers.

As quickly as possible after receiving your signed listing contract, we prepare and print a professional color flyer. We make a point of having flyers for all of our listings available at each of our open houses.


If you're looking for a Real Estate Agent who can help you achieve your real estate goals while making the journey a fun and enjoyable one, Shari is the perfect choice for you! Contact Shari today!